The Benefits of Napping

Join us on Facebook for our “The Benefits of Napping“ video with Jasmine.

Starting Seedlings

Join us on Facebook for our “Starting Seedlings“ video with Christine.

Ravin’ Dip

Join us on Facebook for our “Ravin' Dip“ video with Christine.

Friendship Cafe: Spring Flowers Craft

Join us on Zoom for Friendship Cafe with Christine where we will be creating a beautiful flower craft. Email Chris at: to register your spot in person or receive the Zoom link. All materials will be provide to those who register.

Join Dana at the BDB Centre for an exciting afternoon of creating a person hygiene routine! She will help you identify and organize what care tasks are right for you! To pre-register for this event please contact Christine:


Join us on Zoom or in-house at the BDB Centre for BINGO with Christine. Email Chris at: to register and/or receive the Zoom link. Space is limited for in-house participation so, be sure to secure your spot.

Good Friday

In recognition of Good Friday, BDB will be closed and there will not be any programming today.

Easter Monday

In recognition of Easter Monday, BDB will be closed and there will not be any programming today.

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