Valentine’s Craft

Join us in house for a Valentine's Day themed craft hosted by Dana at the Breaking Down Barriers Centre! All craft supplies will be provided and there will be assistance for those who might need a hand with the craft. Come and spend a fun filled afternoon with friends! To pre-register and reserve your spot […]

Friendship Cafe: Virtual Colouring

Join us on Zoom for Friendship Cafe with Christine where we will be completing some Valentine's Day themed colouring pages together! Email Chris at: to register and receive the Zoom link.

Family Day

In recognition of Family Day, BDB will be closed and there will not be any programming today.

Cupcake Creations

Join us on Facebook for our “Cupcake Creations“ video with Aria.

No Bean Chili

Join us on Facebook for our “No Bean Chili“ video with Christine.

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